The new generation wants creative independence and infidelity, we are no longer encouraged to pursue just one medium or job. Instead do what you can/want and define yourself accordingly.
It seems like a few ‘good’ celebrities are breaking away from a life guarded by publicists, and are trying to define or re-define themselves. Courtney Love and James Franco, are 2 of them, determined to run their own image, and it’s damn right inspiring.
Courtney (with an anonymous team of 3) has started a daily, fashion blog of herself, and refers to it as a “social experiment.” Courtney has always been upfront with her past struggles with drugs and sanity, but claims to have always loved fashion. “I just didn’t always get it right.” And after seeing hundreds of images of herself, Courtney decided to begin her own fashion revolution. “One can’t wear a tutu and a Birkin.”
James Franco, ultimate mover and shaker, actor, model, writer and full-time student calls parts of his life “performace art,” and the rest… well…. Just life. After dropping out of school and becoming a successful Hollywood actor, Franco went back to school, first at UCLA, graduating with an English degree. Now James is enrolled in 4 different schools full time (1 in north Carolina), has a reoccurring roll on General Hospital, multiple movies coming out, a campaign for Gucci, and much more to come. In response to his critics, “If the work is good,” Franco says, “what does it matter? I’m doing it because I love it. Why not do as many things I love as I can? As long as the work is good.”
“Believe what you want. But here’s a clue. The secret to life: Anyone can die at any time.”- Franco, General Hospital
Ashlye Vaughan