Ghetto Film School and The New York Times

Check out this amazing article about the Ghetto Film School.


The H&H/GFS Partnership teachs these students about the media industry and trains them to help them get internships and jobs.


Come to tonight’s meeting to learn more about what you can do to be involved.


8pm, Tuesday, September 7
34 E 4th Street
We’ll stake out a place in the back

Praying for a Miracle


It’s all about energy.  You want to rule the 21st century?  Create clean energy.  Here’s to hoping that a philanthropist does it ahead of a corporation – otherwise the world’s poor are in trouble.

I am a big fan of the metrics related philanthropy that Bill Gates has fostered.  Running philanthropy like a business.  I like how there are more smart people than ever committed to creating change.  Big dollars hopefully followed by big changes.

The Expectations of Greatness


Expectations are a tricky thing.  For some they can be crushing – for others they can inspire.  And for a select few – it comes with the territory.

Myron Rolle embraces his potential and embodies something that has been lost in our age of hyper specialized division of labor- renaissance.  While there are experts in every known field there are also a set of people whose job it is to communicate between the experts to connect and translate between different groups.

Make your own expectations.

Positive Psychology


For years, psychology has focused on abnormalities and disease and the negative.  Lately there has been much more research into ‘happiness’.  The most popular freshman class at Harvard is ‘Positive Psychology’ and the study of happiness is a cultural trend that can offer key insights into new modes of training, development and management.  People always thought happiness was happenstance – but in fact there are significant agreed upon maxims that are standard for most happiness.