OddFuture – No Budget Domination

Kids are bored. Their steady diets of radiology, twitter trends and overly padded athletic events is creating a generation of Avatar risk takers.

So let me introduce OddFuture (Odd Future Wolf Gang Crew Kill em All) a group of California misfits who have capitalized on the status of the crippled recording industry to kick down the doors using nothing, but free social media platforms to galvanize an audience of indoor kids across the world.

The band, which is the brainchild of the aptly named Tyler The Creator has creating a wild feeding frenzy among record companies, based off of little more than a series of mixtapes and no budget music videos that are more disturbing than a Sarah Palin White House bid. A group of rowdy, unruly, punk/skate/rap/minimilist grime/ musician/entertainer/filmmaker/web developer/ conundrum from Odd Future have literally ignited the internet with disturbing images of teenagers doing excessive amounts of drugs while brandishing fire arms and threatening to dress like Nazis. In recent weeks, they have appeared in the Guardian (UK), The Fader, The NY Times, Village Voice and an unfathomable amount of blogs across the WORLD, which have lead to sold out shows in LA, New York, London to name just the last month.

And all of this from a basement.

The hustle is impressive, but what’s shocking is how effective their model for success has been. By attacking the status quo directly, through channels like interactive blogs and websites, they were able to garner such an intense amount of support within months. The group has literally created a small media empire that is completly self-sustainable and synergistic. They have literally proven that record labels are useless to them, which is why labels have all begged to sit down with the crew.

Love it or Hate it, the ability to successfully create an underdog/rebel with the potential to win will always make people pay attention.

-Vic Reznik

The Talent Owns The Building



Seacrest, CAA and AEG are possibly partnering to start AXS cable channel.  What’s crazy is in this same article there are murmurs of Comcast purchasing AEG due to their portfolio of the some best arenas/stadiums in the world, in order to compete with Live Nation/Ticketmaster.   At this rate, we’ll have one music-live-event-tv-cable-premium content-set-top-box-ticket distributor to go to and we’ll just call it the ministry of live entertainment come 2015. 


All joking aside – what’s in it for Mr. Seacrest?


It’s no secret that Ryan has had a consummate show biz resume starting from his youth.  Idol and E! Entertainment exposure lead to overall deals, tv, radio, producer credits, first-looks, back-end participation – you name it – Ryan’s done it and has a reputation as one of the hardest working men in show business.  What is Seacrest’s rationale behind this latest strategic move?


The little known fact about the what makes the cable business go round are extreme affiliate fees.  It’s a $32B dollar a year business.  It’s why Oprah Winfrey is opting to hang up her hosting shoes and go into retirement off of Oprah Premium Programming.  Click on this link to learn more about the cable biz from the awesome VC, Bill Gurley.


When you are an Agent in Hollywood – you yearn to put together mega-deals like this CAA/Seacrest with AEG. These type of deals are headliners and they make both you and your client a lot of money – something CAA’s been good at for quite some time.  This is why Seacrest’s former agent, Adam Sher left to become President of Seacrest Productions in 2008.   It’s what a good agent should always be trying to accomplish.  Take a brand name  talent and connect to the proper business model.  See Oprah, Ashton, Ellen, Lady Gaga, Diddy, Paris Hilton, Kardashian and Lebron.  Vertically integrate the talent and those revenue streams!


Another example are the Jonas Bros (who are already a multi-million dollar a year biz) partnership with AOL in Cambio, which gives the talent from their label The Jonas Group a platform to control their message and brand to their core demographic.   Cambio is a web-site/platform that aims to be MTV-meets-online programming. 


For AOL, Cambio (Spanish for “change”) represents a move to more premium content as opposed to the creation of lower-cost niche sites aimed at various slices of tech aficionados, sports fans and women. The focus on “premium” content is also an extension of the plans AOL has been working on for its advertising business.’ 


Major talent partnering up with major companies is nothing new – been happening for years (See United Artists and Charlie Chaplin.)  Major talent partnering up with big media for ownership stake in the property is all about equity.   


As talent needs to sustain traction/exposure in the marketplace to demand a strong dollar so do major media brands. Its a safer bet for both teams – big media gives up some ownership but keeps talent happy and committed and talent becomes an owner instead of a hired gun.   As the battle for the consumer’s attention grows even more intense – entertainment brands – people and businesses will push hard to remind you who is the best at the premium entertainment experience. 


Mitchell Kapler

Interesting Things – 8.9

Bronx Perfume

”Scentbranding” is nothing new for hotel chains, electronics companies, or lingerie lines, but it is new for apartment living. It’s rumored to be part of an experiment in a low-income housing development in the Bronx. In the Bronx, the hope is that by dousing common areas like hallways, lobbies, and shared spaces with perfume, they can make the residents happy, logic being that research shows strong connections between olfactory response and emotion. In shops, that can mean creating a feeling that is conducive to buying lots of stuff. In housing complexes, that can mean creating a feeling of hopefulness in an otherwise unpleasant environment.



While it’s difficult at times to discern “good art,” MOBA (Museum of Bad Art) has made a mission of collecting “bad art.” The works of art range from poor technique such as crayon etching, to lousy subjects like a demented clown. Housed in a pair of basements, has even hosted a hand full of poorly designed knockoffs.  But the question often posed to the curators is whether this collection is meant as a celebration of effort, or a mocking of absence of talent.


Careers Reversing Dystopian Future

Many believe the world is changing rapidly and if we want to sustain order and livability on earth we have to adapt.  One of the biggest concerns will be shifting jobs and focusing on new fields or ones that we relied less on in the past.  For example, bees have been disappearing, and because of their importance in the food cycle, there may need to be a rise in the number of beekeepers. Jobs like librarians/archivists might also be important; so much information is stored only on computers, and at risk of being useless if there’s a massive technological failure.


The Secret to Life

The new generation wants creative independence and infidelity, we are no longer encouraged to pursue just one medium or job.  Instead do what you can/want and define yourself accordingly.

It seems like a few ‘good’ celebrities are breaking away from a life guarded by publicists, and are trying to define or re-define themselves.  Courtney Love and James Franco, are 2 of them, determined to run their own image, and it’s damn right inspiring.

Courtney (with an anonymous team of 3) has started a daily, fashion blog of herself, and refers to it as a “social experiment.” Courtney has always been upfront with her past struggles with drugs and sanity, but claims to have always loved fashion. “I just didn’t always get it right.”  And after seeing hundreds of images of herself, Courtney decided to begin her own fashion revolution. “One can’t wear a tutu and a Birkin.”


James Franco, ultimate mover and shaker, actor, model, writer and full-time student calls parts of his life “performace art,” and the rest… well…. Just life.  After dropping out of school and becoming a successful Hollywood actor, Franco went back to school, first at UCLA, graduating with an English degree.  Now James is enrolled in 4 different schools full time (1 in north Carolina), has a reoccurring roll on General Hospital, multiple movies coming out, a campaign for Gucci, and much more to come. In response to his critics, “If the work is good,” Franco says, “what does it matter? I’m doing it because I love it. Why not do as many things I love as I can? As long as the work is good.”


“Believe what you want. But here’s a clue. The secret to life: Anyone can die at any time.”- Franco, General Hospital

Ashlye Vaughan

The New Tribe on the Block

Picture: David Choe, RVCA ANP artist

Artists, models, athletes, and musicians have more outlets, networks and opportunities today than ever before to express themselves.  Of course, we have the internet to thank, but we also have brands and companies like RVCA that bring art and lifestyle together for the greater good.

In 2001, out of his closet and from humble beginnings, the company’s founder, PM Tenore started RVCA (Pronounced “Ruca”), an action sports apparel company, first and foremost.  PM also created a program to support artists and give them a platform he thought was missing,  “I wanted to do something other people in the industry weren’t, and that is provide a space for artists, musicians, surfers, skaters, curators, models. That’s when I started conceptualizing the artists network program (ANP).”

If PM likes someone’s work, he shares contacts with them and invites them to do limited-edition designs in which a portion of the proceeds will go to the charity of their choice.  The members of this ANP tribe have free reign of RVCA’s sprawling headquarters that feature, a recording studio, rooms filled with sewing machines and fabric swatches, and working spaces for any late night workers.

“It’s a balance of industry and art,” says PM, who claims creativity and commerce shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. For RVCA, it is about today, tomorrow and life as the big picture. It is about inspiring our generation, providing something of substance and culture and above all doing it with integrity and as a united family, a close-knit community.”


-Ashlye Vaughan

Discover The World With Discovery

Discovery Communications welcomes new brand licensing strategies targeting men with the launch of Discovery Expedition and Discovery Adventures inspired by such Discovery Channel shows as Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls and Deadliest Catch. Discovery Expedition will involve adventure and exploration affiliated with high-tech outdoor and lifestyle apparel, accessories and electronic equipment with the first licensees announced later this year. Discovery Adventures will give consumers a chance to explore the world through memorable travel experiences. Trips will be headed by expert guides to cultural, historical and wildlife locations.


Every network is looking for new ways to ring revenue out of their content.  Discovery is (finally) taking the step to create their own versions of travel and product options branded by their shows.  Ever since BIGGEST LOSER set up their branded weight loss programs – I have been waiting for other shows and networks to take the similar leap.  This is a no brainer for Discovery considering the travel and gear inherent in their programs.

Every network must think 360 degrees as they compensate for a loss in ad revenue.  To me this represents not a desperate attempt for a dying business but rather a reimagining of the way we interact with brands in our life.  No longer to do sit staring at the screen and feel a brand’s power.  Now we interact with it – and no better way than through lifestyle options of apparel and travel.  Its a richer brand experience.

Turner’s Steve Koonin – Executive Bad Ass

Turner’s Steve Koonin is a bad ass.
I recently saw an article how TNT and TBS boost the most profits for Time Warner.

I remember reading an article in 2007 about how Turner took on a crazy marketing executive who wanted to put Coke’s logo on the moon!! That crazy marketer is Steve Koonin who came into Turner and has re-branded TNT, TBS and CourtTV to have distinctive brands amongst the cable television landscape.

The latest coop in getting Conan O’Brien to join the late night block with George Lopez.

Talk about an executive who gets branding and tailoring programming to the American marketplace!

TNT and TBS, once known for playing syndicated television shows, old films and some sports programming are some of the highest rated cable channels on the dial.


TNT and TBS have reaped the success for producing critically acclaimed original series with great characters.  Focusing on character and stories that resonate with an American audience, they find great actors to drive their original programs.  Sure enough – not only are did Koonin manage to re-brand Turner Networks cable channels but he increased ratings and profit margins as well.

Pay attention to your product.  Pay attention to your audience.  Be clearly distinctive.  Discover results.


Uniqlo’s World


So many interesting details in this article.  From management style to franchising philosophy to brand loyalty – Uniqlo offers such a solid product in so many varieties at such a discount price that everyone can find something they like.   By using data to drive/inspire their sales force and insisting on their strict engagement practices – folding, phrases, the payment process – Uniqlo has designed the experience as much as they have designed the clothing.  Walking into this store – you feel the attention to detail and the effectiveness of the white backdrop and floor to ceiling shelves that gives the impression of insane multitude of varieties.  Uniqlo has gone beyond its competitors in designing the experience of shopping and serving customers.  I also find it fascinating that their sales staff has such intriguing/diverse looks but that their techniques and training is exacting.  Great article.

Marketing for Docs


Docs are always fascinating because they can bring attention to an issue or story that has been unrecognized.  It’s truly an art form that can create change.  From INCONVENIENT TRUTH to THE COVE – docs that cross over into popular culture become massive hits and can cause policy change (TRUTH) or even fishing habits (COVE).  Kudos to The Works – a doc distribution company that prides itself on finding those gems that might play to a four quadrant audience.  There seems to be a pretty solid formula for making docs successful commercially.  The goal is to eventize the docs – If it’s an issue doc then you need a built in network of support – that can come from a social networking support or celebrity support.  As The Works preaches – “Distributors are not just buying a film, but buying a support structure.”  I also like the idea of gathering an audience before the doc is released (the support system) and also treating theatrical not as the end all be all but rather as one part of a strategy to build an aggregate audience.  So many interesting ideas in this article.  Take a read.

Characters Very Welcome


I am a big fan of USA Network’s marketing department.  Not only do they have one of the best taglines in the business – Characters Welcome – and not only does that tagline perfectly summarize their programming but they are constantly moving beyond the TV to bring consumers to their channel.   They took their tagline and created a roving art show – The Character Project – http://www.usanetwork.com/characterproject/ – and now they have turned a social media friendly war between two of their shows into extra content.  By treating shows as connective fabric of the network instead of individual  properties they drive interest in both programs.  Its smart business and opportunistic marketing.