Interesting Things – 8.9

Bronx Perfume

”Scentbranding” is nothing new for hotel chains, electronics companies, or lingerie lines, but it is new for apartment living. It’s rumored to be part of an experiment in a low-income housing development in the Bronx. In the Bronx, the hope is that by dousing common areas like hallways, lobbies, and shared spaces with perfume, they can make the residents happy, logic being that research shows strong connections between olfactory response and emotion. In shops, that can mean creating a feeling that is conducive to buying lots of stuff. In housing complexes, that can mean creating a feeling of hopefulness in an otherwise unpleasant environment.


While it’s difficult at times to discern “good art,” MOBA (Museum of Bad Art) has made a mission of collecting “bad art.” The works of art range from poor technique such as crayon etching, to lousy subjects like a demented clown. Housed in a pair of basements, has even hosted a hand full of poorly designed knockoffs.  But the question often posed to the curators is whether this collection is meant as a celebration of effort, or a mocking of absence of talent.

Careers Reversing Dystopian Future

Many believe the world is changing rapidly and if we want to sustain order and livability on earth we have to adapt.  One of the biggest concerns will be shifting jobs and focusing on new fields or ones that we relied less on in the past.  For example, bees have been disappearing, and because of their importance in the food cycle, there may need to be a rise in the number of beekeepers. Jobs like librarians/archivists might also be important; so much information is stored only on computers, and at risk of being useless if there’s a massive technological failure.

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