Authentic Fashion

The poet Jean Cocteau once said, “Style is a simple way of saying complicated things”, and as I watch contractors unscrew the tents on 62nd street I feel like there is something very complicated going on. The pendulum of design that swings between function and luxury often creates a chasm between those who need and those want.


That is why these Diane Von Furstenberg hospital gowns being produced for the Cleveland Clinic are so interesting to me.


A high end fashion designer takes a job to design the least attractive, least properly functioning clothing imaginable. Finding a challenge in recreating the banal and plebeian (see Last Train Home) is often worth more than the flash in the bottle because it’s more universal, it transcends.


The shoe company Palladium (a Brand I’ve been sporting for a minute) recently dropped a doc called Detroit Lives, in which Johnny Knoxville, yeah that Johnny Knoxville, tours a city on the brink of collapse, and imagines it as an emblem of the resilient American spirit that it embodies. The doc brings home the idea that art can galvanize and uplift, that beauty in the face of demolition, destruction and despondence can create perseverance. ’nuff respect to both!


-Vic Reznik

Film Directors Get Fashionable

A recent article in Slate Magazine, Why is David Lynch Pimping This Handbag? and PSFK’s previewing Frank Miller’s Gucci commercial that will premiere got me thinking about the growing trend of five star directors and major fashion houses coming together to make short-films. 

The Slate article debates – what are these… films?  Commercials, short-films, advertising films, mini-films?  No matter how you slice it – these have been going on for quite some time.  For example, David Lynch directed Benecio Del Toro and Heather Graham (he’s aged/she hasn’t) in 1988 for Calvin Klein’s Obsession. 



Why do we watch these films?  What’s there importance?  Are they important?   As Sasha Watson said in her article we watch because of the vagaries of these projects. 

Vagary – an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion

Very well put Sasha. 

That – it seems – is art.  Even if the art is intended for us to consider the brand and their products – it’s still enough to make us see life within a new context and that is what art is supposed to do.  The other truth beneath the surface is perhaps major film directors need the work from fashion houses more than ever before and fashion houses need to diversify their brand platform so they invest in some high-profile visual stimulation.  A little of both perhaps?

Enjoy Lagerfeld’s Chanel short-film where everyone from Coco, Bardot, and other famous fashion legends/luminaries in the background and the foreground as Lagerfled pays homage to the 70s and beyond.



Uniqlo’s World


So many interesting details in this article.  From management style to franchising philosophy to brand loyalty – Uniqlo offers such a solid product in so many varieties at such a discount price that everyone can find something they like.   By using data to drive/inspire their sales force and insisting on their strict engagement practices – folding, phrases, the payment process – Uniqlo has designed the experience as much as they have designed the clothing.  Walking into this store – you feel the attention to detail and the effectiveness of the white backdrop and floor to ceiling shelves that gives the impression of insane multitude of varieties.  Uniqlo has gone beyond its competitors in designing the experience of shopping and serving customers.  I also find it fascinating that their sales staff has such intriguing/diverse looks but that their techniques and training is exacting.  Great article.

Interactive Fashion Show


Brilliant marketing by Ralph Lauren.  This is a fashion show online with commentary and the ability to purchase items as they walk towards you.  There is a big trend across all industries of cutting out the middle men or the ‘arbiters’ and going straight to the consumer.  Online shopping first made its mark because of the convenience factor but now retailers are realizing that creating an embedded experience for online shopping is important.

Wearable Technology


It started with the Nike shoes that linked up with IPODs and online training.  This is the infancy.  Of course, Apple is leading the charge.

We have been focused on increasing the power and capabilities of our technologies but now we will focus on how they integrate into our life and with our physical constitutions.  Glasses will soon have Terminator capabilities and most clothing will come with new ways to dock your technology.

As the cost of basic computing goes down – more and more wearable technologies will surface.

Anna Wintour – The Executive


RJ Cutler who made THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE talks about Anna’s management style.  I think the best bit is about having shorter meetings.  Know what the agenda is and get through it.

Do it fast.

So much time is wasted in meetings and the entertainment biz is the worst.  Prepare, execute and move on.  Also, get the best talent to buy into something bigger than themselves and you have a recipe for success.  It’s easy to imagine Anna running any major company – she is a CEO thru and thru.