More and more studios are trying to mitigate the risk involved in greenlighting a script. No longer is ‘gut instinct’ the determining factor in the greenlighting process. Companies like OTX are capitalizing on this uncertainty by offering the equivilant of focus groups for screenplays….at $5,000 a pop. I am all for data driven decisions and new “Moneyball” thinking but I think part of the impetus for this new direction in film is the frightened nature of executives.
People are so afraid of losing their jobs that they use these types of reports and focus groups as a crutch as opposed one part of the decision making process. Its frequently used as the deciding factor and a convenient scapegoat when things go wrong. “But look at the numbers!?, Its not my fault!” There is something that eludes these reports – vision. The best executives are those who can see something beautiful and worthwhile out of a work in progress. Don’t forget it.