52nd Edition


Summertime.  Come out and say hi.

$6 Stoli drinks all night long.  I sound like an idiot promoter.

Want to hear about GFS?  Want to work on the H&H website?  Want to meet and greet?  Just want to drink and be left alone?

Bring some hustle and a whole lot of chill.


Wednesday, July 28th


Willow Lounge (new spot)

37 East 28th Street b/w Park and Madison.


7:30pm – and on

51st – H&H Dinner Series

H&H’s famed Dinner Series….

You sign up and we set you up with a table of like minded folks.

H&H Dinner Series – Tuesday, June 8th – 8pm

With our partners DINE PRIVATE (www.dineprivate.com)

Let H&H introduce you to someone.

First come, first introduced.

Intimate tables for curated introductions.


Tuesday, June 8th


8.00 PM – LATE
How It Works

H&H sets you up at a table with 4 people.  You eat.  You chat.  You pay your own way.

To Do

Trust in our seating arrangements. To secure your spot – email headsetsandhighballs@gmail.com

What Kind of Food: Italian.  Homemade pastas.  Delicious

H&H – 50th Edition – Pop Burger and GFS Screening

We will be showing the thesis (short)film from last year’s GFS class – CARACA!, directed by Gloria Alvarez (with better sound!).

With the help of Jet Set NYC (www.jetsetnyc.com) we will be taking over Pop Burger (15th and 9th Ave).  Drink specials and sliders.  Done and done.


H&H 50th Edition – Ghetto Film School Screening


Wednesday, May 26th 2010


Pop Burger – 60 Ninth Ave (at 15th)


7:30pm – late (SCREENING AT 9PMish)


Really?!  You need me to spell it out?  Fine.

Simply put, the top young talent in NYC Media.

48th Edition- The 4 Year Anniversary Dinner

48 months ago it began.  And still going strong.

WHEN: March 23rd – 8pm

WHERE: West Third Common - 1 West Third St –bw Mercer & Broadway

HOW: Tables of 4 or 5. Pay your own way.

FOOD : Casual American

ONLY 60 Dining Spots Available. Must RSVP. Let H&H introduce you to someone.

If you can’t make dinner – just come to the bar!

45th Edition of Headsets and Highballs – Dinner Series – Dec 14th

When: Monday, December 14, 8:00 PM.- because no one throws a Monday party – come eat!

Where: Neighborhood Bar and Restaurant (275 Church St. (between Avenue Of The Americas & Franklin St)

How: Tables of 5. Pay your own way.

Let H&H introduce you to someone.

Casual setting, thought provoking conversation, holiday wishes.

To Do: You can secure a spot by sending an email to headsetsandhighballs@gmail.com with the following information:

Subject – December Dinner


Position/last job:

Sit by industry or H&H choice (trust in my choice!)

44th Edition

Title: 44th Edition of Headsets and Highballs
Location: Neighborhood Bar – TriBeCa
Description: 275 Church St. (between Avenue Of The Americas & Franklin St)
8.00 PM – LATE


$5.00 Sex on the Beach
Think warm thoughts….
Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2009 – 11-24