H&H/GFS Partnership – Info Meeting – September 7th

H&H/GFS Partnership is a collaboration between the two organizations that involves teaching Industry curriculum, a mentoring program of GFS Fellows with H&H Members, the H&H Intern Workbook, and promoting GFS internship candidates to top media companies. 


H&H members teach a variety of different subjects – from film distribution and networking to putting a reel together and resumes/cover letters. 


One of the key components of the program is the mentoring program between H&H members and GFS Fellows


Our members become one of the first professional contacts for a lot of these students and helps them navigate their way into internships and increased industry knowledge.  The program has a defined and small time commitment. 


We are holding an informational session on September 7th to discuss the program for anyone interested in learning more about being a mentor.   


8pm, Tuesday, September 7
34 E 4th Street
We’ll stake out a place in the back

Please fill out this interest form and submit by Monday, September 6. 


If you have any questions feel free to send an email to myself or sasha.silver@gmail.com, subject “H&H/GFS Partnership”


The New Tribe on the Block

Picture: David Choe, RVCA ANP artist

Artists, models, athletes, and musicians have more outlets, networks and opportunities today than ever before to express themselves.  Of course, we have the internet to thank, but we also have brands and companies like RVCA that bring art and lifestyle together for the greater good.

In 2001, out of his closet and from humble beginnings, the company’s founder, PM Tenore started RVCA (Pronounced “Ruca”), an action sports apparel company, first and foremost.  PM also created a program to support artists and give them a platform he thought was missing,  “I wanted to do something other people in the industry weren’t, and that is provide a space for artists, musicians, surfers, skaters, curators, models. That’s when I started conceptualizing the artists network program (ANP).”

If PM likes someone’s work, he shares contacts with them and invites them to do limited-edition designs in which a portion of the proceeds will go to the charity of their choice.  The members of this ANP tribe have free reign of RVCA’s sprawling headquarters that feature, a recording studio, rooms filled with sewing machines and fabric swatches, and working spaces for any late night workers.

“It’s a balance of industry and art,” says PM, who claims creativity and commerce shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. For RVCA, it is about today, tomorrow and life as the big picture. It is about inspiring our generation, providing something of substance and culture and above all doing it with integrity and as a united family, a close-knit community.”


-Ashlye Vaughan

Discover The World With Discovery

Discovery Communications welcomes new brand licensing strategies targeting men with the launch of Discovery Expedition and Discovery Adventures inspired by such Discovery Channel shows as Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls and Deadliest Catch. Discovery Expedition will involve adventure and exploration affiliated with high-tech outdoor and lifestyle apparel, accessories and electronic equipment with the first licensees announced later this year. Discovery Adventures will give consumers a chance to explore the world through memorable travel experiences. Trips will be headed by expert guides to cultural, historical and wildlife locations.


Every network is looking for new ways to ring revenue out of their content.  Discovery is (finally) taking the step to create their own versions of travel and product options branded by their shows.  Ever since BIGGEST LOSER set up their branded weight loss programs – I have been waiting for other shows and networks to take the similar leap.  This is a no brainer for Discovery considering the travel and gear inherent in their programs.

Every network must think 360 degrees as they compensate for a loss in ad revenue.  To me this represents not a desperate attempt for a dying business but rather a reimagining of the way we interact with brands in our life.  No longer to do sit staring at the screen and feel a brand’s power.  Now we interact with it – and no better way than through lifestyle options of apparel and travel.  Its a richer brand experience.

Turner’s Steve Koonin – Executive Bad Ass

Turner’s Steve Koonin is a bad ass.
I recently saw an article how TNT and TBS boost the most profits for Time Warner.

I remember reading an article in 2007 about how Turner took on a crazy marketing executive who wanted to put Coke’s logo on the moon!! That crazy marketer is Steve Koonin who came into Turner and has re-branded TNT, TBS and CourtTV to have distinctive brands amongst the cable television landscape.

The latest coop in getting Conan O’Brien to join the late night block with George Lopez.

Talk about an executive who gets branding and tailoring programming to the American marketplace!

TNT and TBS, once known for playing syndicated television shows, old films and some sports programming are some of the highest rated cable channels on the dial.


TNT and TBS have reaped the success for producing critically acclaimed original series with great characters.  Focusing on character and stories that resonate with an American audience, they find great actors to drive their original programs.  Sure enough – not only are did Koonin manage to re-brand Turner Networks cable channels but he increased ratings and profit margins as well.

Pay attention to your product.  Pay attention to your audience.  Be clearly distinctive.  Discover results.




More and more studios are trying to mitigate the risk involved in greenlighting a script.  No longer is ‘gut instinct’ the determining factor in the greenlighting process.  Companies like OTX are capitalizing on this uncertainty by offering the equivilant of focus groups for screenplays….at $5,000 a pop.  I am all for data driven decisions and new “Moneyball” thinking but I think part of the impetus for this new direction in film is the frightened nature of executives.

People are so afraid of losing their jobs that they use these types of reports and focus groups as a crutch as opposed one part of the decision making process.  Its frequently used as the deciding factor and a convenient scapegoat when things go wrong. “But look at the numbers!?, Its not my fault!”  There is something that eludes these reports – vision.  The best executives are those who can see something beautiful and worthwhile out of a work in progress.  Don’t forget it.


Marketing for Docs


Docs are always fascinating because they can bring attention to an issue or story that has been unrecognized.  It’s truly an art form that can create change.  From INCONVENIENT TRUTH to THE COVE – docs that cross over into popular culture become massive hits and can cause policy change (TRUTH) or even fishing habits (COVE).  Kudos to The Works – a doc distribution company that prides itself on finding those gems that might play to a four quadrant audience.  There seems to be a pretty solid formula for making docs successful commercially.  The goal is to eventize the docs – If it’s an issue doc then you need a built in network of support – that can come from a social networking support or celebrity support.  As The Works preaches – “Distributors are not just buying a film, but buying a support structure.”  I also like the idea of gathering an audience before the doc is released (the support system) and also treating theatrical not as the end all be all but rather as one part of a strategy to build an aggregate audience.  So many interesting ideas in this article.  Take a read.

Return to Long-Form

As our culture evolves and our attention span expands and contracts, traditional advertising and media shift shapes to keep up.   Lifestyle brands like Absolut have started tapping artists to collaborate and do something truly different, hoping it will lead to something exceptional, and attract consumers at the same time.  Well Absolut, congratulations.  Absolut gave Spike Jonze a brief to write and direct a film depicting creativity conquering conformity, their very own brand vision.  What came of it? A 30-minute robot love story. www.imheremovie.com

And before that a 15-min documentary about Jay-Z’s “Answer the Call” benefit concert. http://creativity-online.com/work/absolut-nyz/19439

This video-slash-short-film-slash-advertisement is one of the most popular pieces of longer form content in awhile.  It gives us some intimate time with JHOV, and another reason to talk about Spike.  It gives Absolut a deeper and better brand experience for their consumers.  I consider it a win-win.

And if you need to drive some traffic to your site maybe try getting director, Romain Gavras. I hear he’s the new badass on the block.

- Ashlye Vaughn

Customized Learning


A couple things stand out to me about this article.  First, is Netflix continuing to find new businesses that incorporate into their company.  They realize that the DVD business is slowly becoming extinct and they are preparing themselves by diversifying.  Very smart.  Also, very smart is the field in which they are venturing.  Pretty much  text books are dead.  Soon all our students will have tablets that teach their lessons.  The most fascinating part is that teaching will no longer be a one size fits all scenario.  These interactive games will cater to each students learning patterns and provide the ideal learning scenario for that student.  If you are a more visual learner that’s how your lessons will be conveyed.  If you are an aural learner then that will be your learning process.  Customized learning.  Love it – well done Netflix.

Teeball Economics


Why do our online players mimic our TV screens?  It makes no sense.  It’s a totally different experience and should reflect that.  Why not tap into the plethora of information conveyed on screen by supping up the video player?  Oh wait, someone else thought of that!

Media/And’s Smart Bar is just another tool in helping monetize online behavior and encourage consumers to purchase items they see in shows.  They key to any of these technologies is ease.  If I am watching a program online and see a piece of clothing I like – I am most likely not going to go through the trouble of tracking it down and purchasing it.  But if that information popped up next to my online viewer and I could buy it right there?  Well, that might be an impulse buy.  And maybe I will buy that wok in the kitchen scene.

The key is ‘Teeball Economics’ – where buying decisions are made based on how easy and set up the interaction is.

Early Branded Collaboration


Getting brands integrated into films or TV shows can be done thoughtfully and without distraction.  The key is to get the brands involved in the creative process at an earlier entry point.  This gives the principal creatives time to figure out how to incorporate it.  The worst is when a brand gets shoved down the throats of the creative team and then the integration is unsightly and distracting.  Most brands only want to get involved in ‘winners’ and are afraid to get involved in the messy creative process because it involves loosening the grip on their brands.  Brands should take some more chances and understand that failing is part of the process of getting that perfect integration.  Because when someone cool in a movie or TV show uses your product – that can be worth a generation of advertising budgets.